Monday, January 26, 2015

LATCH Breastfeeding Classes 2015

When I was pregnant with Ben, I was not fortunate enough to attend a breastfeeding class.  Luckily and thankfully, I had the support of family and friends who helped me through the challenging first weeks.  Looking back, I wish I attended a class.  Nevertheless, I’m grateful for the opportunity to inform families about breastfeeding by being part of LATCH.  One of the things that we do is conduct regular breastfeeding classes for pregnant moms and future caregivers of their babies.  In line with this, I would like to once again stress the importance of attending these classes.

In a breastfeeding class, you will be informed of the benefits of breastfeeding, what to expect during the first weeks as well as how to sustain your breastfeeding relationship for long term.  Why is this important? Because most pregnant moms really intend to breastfeed but need the information how to go about it.  Most pregnant moms need to know why breastfeeding is best for the baby so that they’ll be motivated to overcome the challenges.  I am not saying that attending a class will make you 100% successful in your breastfeeding journey, but it helps a lot.

On a personal note, as a breastfeeding counselor, I try my best not to be preachy, but I am willing to talk to anyone who is interested to learn why breastfeeding is best.  So I encourage you to book a class now, or if the current class schedules don’t work out for you, to get in touch with me or with LATCH for other options.  We do this for free and from the bottom of our hearts.

The breastfeeding classes for year 2015 in The Medical City will be on March 7, May 9, July 4, September 5, and Nov 7 from 1-4pm.  You can reserve your slot by calling the trunkline 988-1000 or 9887000 and have yourself connected to their center of patient partnership at loc 6444

PS. photo courtesy to fellow LATCHer Kate De Los Reyes :)

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