Sunday, April 22, 2012

My favorite Mommy De-stressers

This month has been quite a ride for me (  hopefully more stories about the reasons why next time).  I've been quite stressed in so many different ways that I'm honestly glad May is just around the corner (after watching The Avengers, of course!)  I've been stressing about what to talk about for this entry when it occurred to me that I can share what I have been doing to keep me sane these past few weeks.  So, here are my favorite mommy de-stressers, hehe! Hopefully you guys can share yours as well =)

1. Say a prayer - whenever I find hard to put Ben back to sleep at night after waking up for the nth time, I'd try to lull him to sleep while praying the rosary.  It's the only thing that keeps me from going crazy when he wakes up crying just as I was about to go into deep sleep

2. Watch a good movie or a TV show - When I'm not in a really good mood, I try to cheer myself up by watching an episode of my favorite sitcom.  It usually makes me feel a bit better even for a little while

3. Chat with a friend - Sometimes, all you need is some adult conversation with someone you trust and genuinely listens to you

4. Sing and Dance - Videoke, Dance Classes, Xbox Kinect Session.  Who can resist those? Hehe

5. Enjoy Nature Outdoors - How about a walk at a park?

6. Write, Draw or Paint - My Blog and playing Draw Something helps me focus on other things

7. Read a book - This month, I finished both the Girl with a Dragon Tatoo and Hunger Games trilogies.  I love the way books transport me to another world, most especially stories written in the first person point of view.

8. Eat something yummy and healthy - For some weird reason, my favorite comfort food is Nilagang Baboy.  Funny story, just last week, we had this dish and it lasted me for two consecutive days.  I've  actually been saving my favorite part for one last serving for the third day but the maids must have thought I needed to eat a new dish because they ate the last person and cooked something else for me.

9. Sports - I miss swimming, yes I swim with Ben twice a week but there's nothing like doing a few laps on your own.  It's the only sport I know ( it's a mystery to me how I passed volleyball and badminton during collage) and it's perfect for the summer heat

10.Take a Nap - I always feel better after a nap, even if it's just 20 minutes

11. Take a trip to the Salon - Have you ever had one of those days when you just want to have a new look? All throughout this month, I've been tempted to highlight my hair, curl it or maybe get a pixie cut! My fear of eventually regretting what I do with my locks had me settling for a mere trim, but who knows? Maybe someday I'd have enough courage to drastically change my look.  Anyways, just having someone make you look good even if it's just your toes is such a nice feeling.  ( PS. Salon referrals are welcome :)

Hope this entry brings a smile to you face.  Have a stress free week ahead!

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